Welcome to Year 8
Year 8 is the final stretch of the Parkside journey with pupils reaching the top of the school. This year we prepare the pupils for High School and build resilience by promoting independence. During this year, pupils get the chance to display their leadership skills and become role models to pupils in younger years with the long-awaited chance to become Prefects, Sports Leaders, Maths Leaders and House Captains.
This year we also see more of a focus on careers as pupils begin to think about their futures. We invite professionals to visit in order to inspire the pupils with Social Awareness Day, and Young Enterprise Day as well as visits from guest speakers.
Pupils will continue to follow the Parkside Standard and are rewarded termly with an array of trips and visits including our famous inflatables day and a residential trip spanning over three days in the Summer term.
At the end of year 8 we celebrate all of the achievements pupils have accumulated over their four year journey during presentation afternoon where families are invited in to witness a showcase of talents and successes.
Our year 8 team are dedicated to ensuring that by the time your child leaves Parkside, they have matured from children to young adults we would all be proud of.

Year 8 Events for 2024-2025
10th September 2024 - Information Evening for Parents and Carers
Gallery - Year 8 explores the Art and Craft of Mexico
Year 8
Mrs N. Miarowska | Head of Year 8, Senior Mental Health Lead & Thrive |
Mrs A. Harper | Class Teacher |
Miss E. Doherty | Head of Science |
Miss C. Wallis | Head of Girls PE |
Mrs L. Ford | Head of Design & Technology, Food & Nutrition & Learning Mentor |
Mr C. Fletcher | Head of History |
Miss V. Salkeld | Class Teacher |