Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education

Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic Education (PSHCE) is, in our opinion at Parkside, a fundamental building block to our pupil’s personal development.

We intend to provide a whole school PSHCE curriculum that builds on the foundations of health and wellbeing, providing crucial skills and positive attitudes that will enable children to have high aspirations and achieve their best both academically and socially. Our well-planned curriculum is in line with all government guidelines, and we have worked hard to ensure that it meets the needs of our pupils, so that they leave us with a beneficial and comprehensive toolkit of life skills.

Our aim is that our pupils develop and deepen their personal, social and emotional development in ways that are tailored to their age group, whilst also expanding on their previous knowledge as they progress through the school. It is about giving them access to critical information about themselves and the many facets of the diverse world around them. With an ever-changing society, we are able to provide our pupils with a strong understanding of the diverse world around them and support them ways in which they can contribute positively.

Children explore PSHCE topics in a safe environment allowing them to feel comfortable and well informed around some sensitive topics. Our curriculum develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which will enable children to access the wider curriculum and prepare them to be a global citizen now and in the future. Our curriculum aims to develop the capacity of pupils to participate in a fair and inclusive society throughout their lifetime. It also teaches them the importance of independence of thought and to recognise the power of reflection and debate.

PSHCE at Parkside is accessible to all and is designed to maximise the outcomes for every child so that not only do they learn more but remember more. They are equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate them through life; ways in which to build and maintain healthy relationships, to ensure good physical and mental health, to confidently and successfully ‘say no’ in difficult situations. We aim to provide them with knowledge and skills so that they can best navigate puberty, to tackle prejudice and discrimination, to acknowledge and respect others of the same or different beliefs, to keep themselves safe in a host of situations both on and offline and to deepen their knowledge of democracy and government, the law, rights and responsibilities and how we live together in society. PSHCE is enjoyed by pupils.

What is distinctive about PHSCE at Parkside Middle School:

PSHCE promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life.

PSHCE embodies our school ethos and curriculum aims in all aspects

We can adapt and change our lessons in order to deal with issues that are affecting young people at that time and we are able to discuss events which affect them on both a personal and generational level.

PSHCE is learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.

Year 5


Living in the wider world

Health & Wellbeing

Managing transition; school/class rules/behaviour policy 

 My family – rights and responsibilities as members of families, other groups and as citizens. 

Diversity and identity within the UK.
*School Council/Voting* 

Knowing human rights and children’s rights. 

Discussion/debate of topical issues/problems and events – economics, choices, environment. 

Group dynamics/how to deal with conflict.
Achievements, aspirations, goals and strengths. 

Conflicting emotions, managing feelings/ Change, transition, loss, separation, bereavement. 

Balanced lifestyles, physical, mental and emotional health. Balanced diet, choices, food, influences. 




My Friends/friendships – develop and maintain healthy relationships.  

Difference and similarities – respect equality and diversity. 

Listening, viewpoints, emotions, respect. 

Bullying, discrimination, aggressive behaviour. Recognising positive and negative relationships. 

Relationships & RSE

Bodies, safety and abuse. 

Managing change such as puberty, the physical and emotional changes, body image. Introduction to basics of menstrual cycle 

Health and hygiene, including dental hygiene. 

LGBTQ+ families 

Human reproduction, babies.  


Health & Wellbeing

Living in the wider world

Road and personal safety (including emotional safety); emergency aid, hazards, risks, responsibility. 

Safety online, personal information, passwords, images. Safe use and responsibility of mobile phones. 

Habits, including drugs, alcohol, tobacco, medicines, caffeine. 

Media and social media; images, reality/fantasy, true/false. Information/forwarding. 

Money matters, saving, spending, budgeting.
Future planning and goals 

Equal opportunities 

Discussion/debate of topical issues/problems and events – economics, choices, environment. 

Year 6


Living in the wider world

Resources, sustainability, economics, choices and the environment. 

Communities, volunteers, pressure groups, link to health and wellbeing. 

Discussion/debate of topical issues/problems and events – economics, choices, environment. 

Laws related to human rights apply to everyone, regardless of family, culture or religion 

Health & Wellbeing

Achievements, aspirations, goals and strengths.  

How to maintain physical, mental and emotional health/wellbeing. 

Hygiene routines; bacteria and viruses. 

Managing pressures; media, influences and peer. 




Bullying, cyber bullying and internet safety.  

What constitutes as committed, loving relationships, civil partnerships, marriage.  

Dares/ challenges; privacy and sharing, including personal boundaries. *Confidentiality, secrets, surprises and personal safety, 

Peer influence including hate crimes and knife crime. 

Relationships & RSE

Looking after ourselves and basic changes during puberty. Emotional changes. 

Further development into the menstrual cycle. 

How are babies made? Human reproduction. 

Rights to protect body and speaking out, body image. 

Acceptable and unacceptable physical touch; personal boundaries and right to privacy. 


Health & Wellbeing

Managing risk – dangers, hazards, responsibility and safety.  

Including online safety, personal information, passwords, images, responsibility and safe use. 

Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, medicines and caffeine. 

What is Justice? 

Living in the wider world

Resolving difference, points of view, decisions and choices, including consequences. 

Careers skills and making the most of opportunities 

The world of work, skills and qualities for employment and further education 

Money matters and budgeting 

Discussion/debate of topical issues/problems and events – economics, choices, environment. 

Year 7


Living in the wider world

Knowledge and skills for setting realistic and challenging personal goals and targets. 

Similarities, differences and diversity among people. And the impact of stereotyping, prejudice, bigotry, bullying and discrimination on individuals and communities. 

Strategies for safely challenging stereotyping, prejudice, bigotry, bullying and discrimination. 

Development of the political system of democratic government in the UK including the roles of citizens, Parliament and the monarch. 

The operation of Parliament, including voting and elections, and the role of political parties 

Health & Wellbeing

The benefits of physical activity and the importance of sleep. 

Healthy mind vs healthy body including stress, depression and eating disorders 

Causes and triggers for unhealthy coping strategies – sources of help and strategies to help. 

Homelessness and poverty.



Diversity, prejudice and bullying including cyber bullying. 

Managing on- and off-line friendships.

Hate Crimes in the UK. 

Features of positive and stable relationships. Differing types of relationships. Include bereavement, separation and divorce. 

Compromise and relationships, the concept of consent in a variety of relationships (including sexual relationships).

Relationships & RSE

Ground rules and appropriate language. 

Consolidate and further key learning of puberty from KS2. Detailed physical and emotional changes including self-examination.  

The issues of unwanted contact and consent. Introduction to the laws around sexual harassment and sexting. 

Gender and stereotypes, including LGBTQ+ community. Introduction of unacceptability of homophobia etc. What sexuality is. 

Self-esteem, romance and friendships   


Health & Wellbeing

The risks of alcohol, tobacco and other substances – awareness. Classification of drugs. Including vaping 

Inappropriate use of mobile phones and contributions to accidents. 

E-safety – assess and manage risks to health and to keep others safe. 

First Aid and basic life-saving techniques. 

Living in the wider world

Making ethical financial decisions

Saving, spending, and budgeting our money.

Enterprise skills and introduction to careers - challenging career stereotypes and raising aspirations.

The importance of protecting their own and other reputations. Link to careers.

Education and work; different types of work and pathway through life.

Individual Liberty

Year 8


Living in the wider world

Rights and responsibilities in the community – primacy of human rights. 

Tackling age and disability discrimination.

Unacceptability of sexist, homophobic etc. language. 

Recognise that they have the same rights to opportunities in learning and work as all other people; to recognise and challenge stereotypes; and/or family or cultural expectations that may limit their aspirations. 

Roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups in society, and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities. 

Health & Wellbeing

Mental health and emotional wellbeing, including body image. 

Emotional well-being and how to maintain physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing. 

Managing change and loss.  

How to manage transition. Friendships, bullying and new beginnings. 

The link between online gambling and online gaming. 

Child exploitation and online protection.




Developing and maintaining healthy relationships within a range of social/cultural contexts. (Including FGM and forced marriage)

The differences between friendship groups and gangs (risks, strategies and appropriate support) 

Honour-based violence. 

Peer pressure, secrets and privacy. 

Media portrayal of relationships – reflection on real life and expectations. 

Modern-Day Slavery. 

Relationships & RSE

Ground rules and inappropriate language. 

Introduction to sexuality and consent.  

Introduction to contraception including condom and the pill and keeping safe/healthy.  

Informed choices: the law in relation to consent, sexual harassment and sexting.  

Teenage pressures and toxic masculinity/femininity. 

Why people have sex/informed choices/safety. 

Stereotyping, gender and sexuality. 


Health & Wellbeing

Living in the wider world

Alcohol and drug misuse and managing peer influence. Classification of drugs/ factual information. Including vaping

The role and influence of the media on lifestyle.

Antisocial behaviour.

Tackling racism and religious discrimination, promoting human rights

Online safety and digital literacy

Knife Crime and Safety





Money management: assess and manage risk in relation to financial decisions that young people might make. 

Careers and CV – work roles and career pathways, choices available to them at the end of KS3, benefits of being ambitious and enterprising in all aspects of life; The importance of protecting their own and others’ reputations; protecting their ‘online presence’: the concept of having a personal ‘brand’ that can be enhanced or damaged. 

Labour Market information, qualifications and aspirations. Pathways to KS4 and beyond.