Bletchley Park Visit 2024

06 June 2024

On Thursday 6th June, we took 40 pupils across both key stages to Bletchley Park. We had a brilliant time exploring the historic site and soaking up all the fascinating information. 

Our pupils were an absolute credit to the school, demonstrating outstanding conduct and behaviour throughout the whole day.

One of the highlights of the trip was when the pupils took part in a D-Day Coding workshop. They had the opportunity to decipher an encrypted message, just like the codebreakers at Bletchley Park did during World War II. It was fantastic to see them all getting stuck into the challenge!

One year 6 pupil commented “my favourite part was listening to the morse code and working out what the hidden message was about”.

To top it all off, we were blessed with beautiful weather and even got to witness a flyover to mark the 80th D-Day anniversary. It was a truly memorable moment that added an extra special touch to our day.

Overall, it was a day filled with learning, fun, and great experiences.